Partner site & Service offerings

Here we have gathered all of Kivra's services and features that you, as a partner to Kivra, should offer to our shared senders. Here you will find product materials, templates, guidelines, interesting cases, and more technical information on our Developer Site. What applies to you as a partner? What do your senders need? Contact us directly – we always look forward to hearing from you!

Partnersite hero

What do you need to know as our partner?

Partner stream
Bild på en användare inuti en cirkel.

Together, we are the best channel for your senders.

We have an open rate that surpasses all other channels – together, we can reach all of Sweden's 5.7 million Kivra users with important messages.

Bild på en användare inuti en cirkel.

Everything to gain – nothing to lose.

Enhance sender loyalty, enable upselling opportunities, and boost liquidity with fast, flexible payments. Also, reduce customer service calls and eliminate outdated processes.

Bild på en användare inuti en cirkel.

"Think outside the box" – contact us and provide your suggestions!

We have the solution to your senders' challenges. Let's work together to enhance and simplify Sweden's digital infrastructure.

Kivra's service offering

Tack för intresse

More NGO:s can now send in Kivra

The web is flooded with scams and fake links. Together with you, we offer a safe space with trustworthy content. And it is needed now more than ever, which is why we are opening up for even more senders in Kivra. Now organizations can match by email instead of social security number. It is time for even more people to start sending in Kivra.

Current information

Aktuellt partner

What's in the works at Kivra?

Here, we gather important information for our partners – ranging from API updates to guidelines and policies. By staying informed and compliant, you ensure that you always get the most out of your collaboration with Kivra.

Developer site

Here you can find information and resources for developers.